Thursday, August 11, 2011


                                                                   Lazy cat
                                                                  Mean cat
                                                               He likes to bite
                                                                Scratch and
                                                             Afraid of outside
                                                              Mean to Toby
                                                              He picked me
                                                                in Petsmart
                                                           Thats how I knew
                                                       To name him Sebastian
                                                            My favorite cat

Leave me and Justin Bieber ALONE!!!!

                                                         I don't care what you think
                                                           Justin Bieber is hot!!!!!!!
                                           You can say meam things about him all you want!
                                                      It will just hurt my feelings! :(
                                               Leave me and Justin Bieber ALONE!!
                                               Justin Bieber will always be my hero!!
                                                  I am tired of seeing mean videos!!
                                                Nobody understands how great he is!!
                                                             I talk about JB 24/7
                                                Leave me and Justin Bieber ALONE!